Alias... not happy about what happened there...
but my my my she does have full lips... :)
My thoughts, terrifically random, fall towards a friend, lost and found again... and a happy vibe that there is so much acceptance and friendship in her world. It has to help... life is compicated enough without having to manage friendships... it's especially nice with they sorta self manage.
When I'm really quiet and let my mind wander... I find that I spend quite a bit of quiet time thinking about some of you... it's time I'd otherwise be waisting in front of a tv or scrolling through something... So when I turn my thoughts to you I know it's always a wise investment. There are hard mariages out there, and challenges with parenting, challenges for the single parent and issues for the exceptionally single and I'm just saying that all'y'all are going to be just fine. That may sound trite [look it up] but I believe not only in you but also in the strength of the spirit that is inside you... and I cannot imagine a single reason how my having positive vibes for you could be a bad thing so I'll just keep on doing that. mmmk.
Ok... I'm just dead on my feet... do you know what? I fell asleep the other night reading friends pages... Z was playing a game at yahoo and I'm zzzzzzz'ing away with my face stuck in my hand... I really need to get a good week of proper sleeping in (and I've been saying that for close to a year now...).
Alright... see ya tomorrow.
night night.
*ps. I really need to catch up on some birthday stuff... :D