(um... the web site Friday picture is here.)
Hmm... thought maybe I found it... that missing-mood thing. Now it's back but it keeps dancing around and refusing to settle in. I swear I have some kind of guy-pms thing because I hit this weird zone every month and carry the most evil vibes around for a few days... I feel like a bear ... I act like a bear ... anyways, I just want it to pass and find my zone again. I love how my life is and the people in it, so I have no excuse for feeling flustered and frustrated.
~ black ftl's
~ blue jeans...
~ white T with a denim shirt.
~ dem big ass shoes...
~ to go to a meeting with Edwards junior kindergarten teacher at 10... kind of a meet the teach thing
~ write a BB3 update... um, yeah, I managed to actually see the show this time. :D
~ it's a friday... I'm thinking movie tonight.
~ to extend my condolences to
~ that stephanie heals up well...
~ that I knew how my friends in Minneapolis were doing... (yo!
~ my friend
~ hmmm... well something about a dance-card for
~ and finally, sweet
Getting George to wear a little tiny thin jacket (it's cold outside) when he leaves for the bus is like pulling teeth!!! let alone zipping it up "I'm just going to take it off on the bus!" sheesh... it's cold... look at your arm... those are goose bumps... see the other kids, look at their jackets... "oh, ok... but no zipper!".
Ok... off to see Edwards teacher... see ya later today. :D