So it's funny how things work out... last night was a really good night... even though it was filled with oddball emotions and included a very agonizing migraine. I got home from work and immediately grabbed Z and the boiz for a quick ride over to my SIL's house to drop 'em.
She (my SIL) is such a great person, I think of all the sibs in my family/extended family, I've been able to turn to her for more things than any other... this says a lot in my highly co-dependant family. Any ways, she took the boys while Z and I headed off to the Mongolian Grill for grand meal. We looked at plant and trees (dwarf varieties) at White Rose (gardening store) after din and then back to get the boiz and home by 8:30.
We got the boiz a'bed and watched the last half of the movie "Arthur" on TV... (a true classic of the VCR age) and then... an-den... something started happening in my head. I dunno if you grok migraines but I had a real doozy sliding into place. We went to bed and I snorted up one of my migraine med doses (it's this groovy nasal injector) and sat propped up and battling the cold sweats and terrifying freak-out of the headache waiting for the meds to kick in. The good news is that they did (kick in). My caretaker (Zebra) and I got to sleep with a nice warm fuzzy of good vibes between us. Unfortunate note: i do recall Z commenting that I was sweating garlic... I guess I put a little to much in that bowl at the "grill"... hehehe.
~ black ftls
~ dk gray / kinda blue dress pants
~ p-z long sleeve dk blue shirt
~ on just barely making the 8:30 meeting I'm supposed to be at... Every two weeks we have this meeting and I am amazingly messed up about making it on time... So far, today looks good.
~ A big contract requirement for myself and one of my team members was handed to me yesterday in the form of a 50 page doc and instructions to be ready to make solution recommendations by 2:00pm... then at 2:30 I was told it was a not go... sooooo today I have to do all the stuff i didn't do yesterday... grrr.
~ I think I'll try and watch "The Mole" tonight... I liked the concept of this show and enjoyed it last time...
~ er... Harry Potter DVD is released today.
~ corto werk-cam is on... as usual.
~ that I get the time to write a (late) b-day wish today for a very special woman... she's a bit of an indigo girl...
So today Geo is going to do this thing at school... I really don't know what to think but my best judgment tells me to let it play out. The school is having a talent show and try-outs are today. (NOTE: my niece was telling me yesterday about that Hugh Grant movie... this is not quite the same thing) and George has it in his head that he is going to sing... which could be fine but ... well, first of all the song he wants to sing is "blue" by Eiffle65.
We've had him "rehearsing" several times since he got this idea and sure... when he's doing this it is bar-none, one of the cutest things you have ever seen but when they hand him a microphone and he only knows maybe 25% of the words oh geez... Well he has a CD with the song on it and he does this little jerky dance thing... The thing is that he is really very touchy and fragile about being laughed at or smiled at even... so ... we'll see how today goes.